
Kenyans are granted 180 days free entry visa at any point of entry in line.  If one intends to stay in Burundi beyond 180 days, it is advisable to apply for an appropriate resident visa within the 180days or have the visa renewed at the Immigrations Offices before the expiry of the entry visa.



Duration: 2years

Price      : 500USD


  • copy of the passport
  • copy of the entry visa
  • passport size photo
  • minimum 2-year employment contract
  • passport size photo
  • Duly completed applicant identification form.



The employer or the employee submits the following documents to the Ministry of Labor:


  1. Two recent passport size photos
  2. A letter addressed to the General Inspector of Labor and Social Security
  3. Curriculum Vitae
  4. Copy of certificate of driving license
  5. Employment contract
  6. Most recent paycheck
  7. For doctors, they need a certificate of practice
  8. The person looking for work permit must pay 4% of his annual basic salary to the central bank (BRB) or INTERBANK, to the bank account opened on behalf of Burundi revenue Authority (OBR).


  • For technical jobs, the work permit is valid for 2 years. Refugees are granted a work permit for 5 years.
  • The following persons are also eligible for work permit during their stay in Burundi:
  • Foreigners married to a Burundian
  • Foreigners born in Burundi but with a different nationality
  • Foreigners resident in Burundi for more than 20 years.



  • All the fees are paid in BANCOBU Bank except those for transit which are paid to the Burundi Revenue Authority (OBR)

 The following are requirements for one to conduct  a marriage  in Burundi:

  • A letter authorizing the person to get married from his country of Origin, Embassy or Consulate. For Kenyans, one requires a certificate of non-impediment to marriage, which is obtained from the office of the Attorney General, Nairobi.
  • The applicant must appear in person
  • BIF 10.000 to be paid to the Municipality
  • Passport
  • Birth certificates
  • Fees to be paid to the Commune (fee varies from Commune to Commune)

 NB: After submitting the above documents, the person seeking to get married in Burundi will go to the commune where he / she stays and see  the  Commune Administrator who will then provide guidance. After the marriage is celebrated, a document called (attestation d’acte de marriage) will be provided to the newly married couple

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